Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The End of Birthday August

Headed to Michelangelo's for Phil and Mary's joint 17th birthday celebration on the weekend. While the food wasn't fantastic and the wait for it to be served was crazy long it was great to be around friends and do stupid stuff like put salt into others water or...

...having a lasagne sauce eating comp like Michael and Andy decided to have. Oh and if you're wandering, Andy won.

Proving what an unorganised bunch of people we are, someone brought an extra cake. Everyone was pretty full from dinner so in all we only ate around a third of each cake. If you want some, hit up Phil's house, he has them sitting in his fridge.

Compulsory group photo.

Michael also made a birthday video for Mary and Phil which he showed to us before they cut the cake. Check it.

Monday, August 24, 2009


My computer monitor recently decided to die so now my computer at home is useless. New monitor should be on the way by the end of the week so see ya's then!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Oh Look, Cupcakes!

I've been recently craving for cupcakes so when my mum came home with these I finished them promptly. And yes, I took a bite out of the pink one before I took the photo.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Mason's 17th

A good night I can only remember parts of!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Your Future Crossing Lady

Recently, we were given these green forms at school to fill in our subject choices for next year. It's kinda weird thinking that next year will be my last year of high school and that not choosing the "correct" subjects can ruin my future. Oh well!

Anyway, today Mary was filling hers out and didn't have a third option to put in the "Intended Career Areas" section so I filled it in for her. I would laugh so hard if that actually became your job in the future, Mary.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


While at Sandown on the weekend, I happened to spot this Nissan R35 GTR parked up on the hills around the track. This is the second time I've seen the R35 in person, the first being at the Melbourne Motor Show. I love it in this colour, looks amazing. R35s look great in the flesh.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Going To The Races

Went to Sandown yesterday with my dad to watch the V8 Supercars race. It was absolutely freezing the whole day but good racing made it a great day.
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